Amazon will steal my money. I am a handicapped private business owner. I will be paralyzed in the chest on down with no feeling. I want 24hr cares and am in the wheelchair throughout the day. One and only thing I do throughout the day is sell on several networks. I do this to survive to not create a ton of money. This money I earn would go to medical supplies, medications, food, housing and more. I have been selling on Amazon about 1200 different products as a “drop shipper”. I only had about 30% internally items that I shipped directly. Some day I had a gripe for an unauthentic product. This device I sold over 20 of the items quickly and easily. I just became of stop selling this item since i lost the seller Thirty days ahead of the complaint “the complaint came while i stopped selling it”. Then using this there isn’t much. Amazon has suspended my account without any proof in the person who complained. Amazon sent me and email stating I needed to deliver in most my purchase orders with this product for the last One year. Also a long “plan of Action” generate an income prevents this. Even the names, phone numbers, and locations of most my contacts that supply my orders, to enable them to contact them. If I don’t or can not prove they are authentic within 90 days these are seizing my funds ($3,280.00). So, I sent them multiple plans of actions again and again. Since this item would be a drop ship item. The one purchase orders I could send them were Snap shots of my account I drop shipped from The corresponding receipts from PAYPAL. I even left the pricing for the snapshot which Amazon stated I could blur out. I became 100% totally transparent and failed to attempt to hide anything. Amazon has cut off all communication with me at night which is seizing my money.
Money that we charged on my small charge cards, Money that I still owe. Amazon without having evidence something unauthentic only one customer stating they didn’t believe it would be a real brand. Even though the item was sold over 20X. I look back during my records and found out this customer. Complained to all of us there would have been a “return” sticker about it. Do not need return stickers we placed on products, really? We sent this customer a “PRE-PAID” Shipping label for you the product back. The consumer claimed the label was bad and then we Taken care of another label. Then she stated she couldn’t print it. We sent the label 4X to know then soon after we received the BOGUS COMPLAINT. Sure you will check this out and say all you have to do is go to seller support. They’ll open communication with the right people. Yes they’re going to however they will shut you down over well as over again. They’ll allow you to revise you POA again and again tying up all your time and energy. They won’t make use of info unless you have Company stationary purchase orders. Revealing are getting 100’s – 1,000’s items at the same time. Saving time and hard earned money. If amazon will steal from the handicapped business proprietor without having proof. They’ll steal of your stuff too. Delay until you have $3,280 with your Amazon account or more. Then Amazon comes along and steals your cash too.
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